How to align all your prospecting needs.

Uncover the secret to addressing inefficiencies in the digital advertising value chain and have a partner with the optimal combination of data, technologies, and strategy to gain an edge in such a competitive landscape.

Yes- we have done it. Everyone keeps asking us how. Call and find out if you don’t understand what we have in less than 20-minutes we buy the next round of drinks or coffee.

What We Do

We help you centralize and scale your ability to streamline digital prospecting campaigns, reach highly targeted audiences, and optimize ad spend based on real-time data and insights.

In plain english- we control at the SOURCE the data co-op, the identity resolution network, the Identity Graph, the audience segmenting and audience activation components of the buy-side value chain. This enables us to change the financial model of what you pay when its time to place an ad on our DSP platform. Bottom-line you should save at least 35% of your total spend.

“The Machine”

Has the means to engage the right people at the right time in the right digital channels.

Identify your ideal audiences, activate the right audiences, and continuously optimize your ad performance leveraging our network resolution tag all in one place.

  • Ensure that your data is up-to-date with real-time signals. This can help to avoid inconsistencies that can negatively impact campaigns and lead to wasted resources. Additionally, gain a deeper understanding of target audiences, create extremely precise campaigns, and improve overall performance of marketing efforts.

  • Create meaningful and interactive customer experience that encourages your audience to engage and drives desirable outcomes. Activating precise audiences is an essential part of modern marketing strategies, as it helps improve targeting and messaging, and ultimately drive better business results.

  • With there being a lack of transparency and deficiency of viewability in ad-exchanges, target specific audiences based on demographic, behavioral, contextual, and location data to ensure ads are shown to the right audience at the right time. We enable you to optimize your ad spend based on real time data and insights, increase the likelihood of ads being seen by target audiences, ultimately improving campaign performance and reducing wasted ad spend.

Companies we are impacting

Our Customers

Leverage Data Insights

How to use your resolution data to win in the following 5 ways:

  1. Add net-new prospects to your CRM and pipeline

  2. Leverage strong buyer behavior signals for existing prospects/clients

  3. Precisely re-target prospects, drive effective campaigns, and personalize messaging

  4. Optimize media spend (CPL/CAC) by attracting your correct audience and run effective digital ad campaigns

  5. Match prospects against your Ideal Customer Profile to enhance media spend and optimize retargeting

Let’s Team Up.

Explore how our platform can make an exponential difference. Let’s drive your growth and success together.